The Value of a Human
I heard this morbid story once, more of a morbid circumstance.
A baby and a wad of money is thrown from the top of a tower. The catch is you can save only one. Which one would you choose?
I think the obvious answer anyone would give is the baby. Why? It’s because the baby is a living breathing creature and even though it doesn’t have any sort of materialistic value, it is valued purely for its mere existence as a human form — living and breathing. No one would go for the money.
What I am trying to get to is that a human has value whether they are making any money or not, whether they are qualified or not, whether they are well known or not. So, your value is intrinsic! It actually doesn’t depend on other factors at all, although that is what we are taught.
Now as we grow older, we add layers to ourselves, which I think is a beautiful thing to do, as it makes us more wholesome individuals, who hopefully grow to want to contribute more to the society in positive ways. So, does our value increase as we age, based on these positive factors?
The concept of value is something that transcends cultural, social, and economic boundaries, emphasizing the inherent worth and dignity that each individual possesses simply by being human.
In our diverse and complex world, the intrinsic value of a person stands as a fundamental principle, rooted in the idea that every individual is entitled to respect, rights, and a life of dignity. This intrinsic value is not contingent on external factors such as wealth, status, or abilities. It is a core attribute that defines our shared humanity.
At the heart of this concept is the inherent dignity that each person carries throughout their life. It asserts that regardless of our differences, we all share a common humanity that deserves acknowledgment and respect. This recognition of intrinsic value forms the foundation of the concept of human rights, affirming that every person has the right to live free from discrimination, violence, and exploitation.
But does this really happen?
We are guided to understand that our value lies in how much we contribute, how much we earn, how much we bring you bring to the table, how much knowledge we have, how many degrees we have, and on a superficial level, how many followers or subscribers we might have. But value is present even if we rip off all of these external jackets of a person.
The notion of intrinsic value also extends to the autonomy and agency of individuals. It acknowledges that each person possesses the capacity for independent thought, decision-making, and the pursuit of their own aspirations. It encourages an environment that respects and supports the agency of every individual.
Equality and inclusivity are inherent in the concept of intrinsic value. It rejects discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic, fostering a society that embraces diversity and recognizes the equal worth of all its members.
Respecting the intrinsic value of a human being also means acknowledging the sanctity of life. It calls for a rejection of actions that undermine life and encourages the creation of environments that promote well-being and the flourishing of individuals.
Philosophical and religious traditions across the globe contribute to the idea of intrinsic value. Many ethical frameworks and religious doctrines emphasize the importance of treating others with dignity, compassion, and empathy.
In recognizing the intrinsic value of every person, we cultivate empathy and compassion. Understanding that each individual carries their own struggles, dreams, and experiences encourages a more compassionate and empathetic approach to how we interact and relate to one another.
This concept encourages us to view individuals not only for their present circumstances but also for their potential contributions to society. By recognizing and supporting the intrinsic worth of each person, we create environments that allow individuals to develop and utilize their skills and talents for the betterment of the community.
In conclusion, the intrinsic value of a human being is not just a concept; it is a guiding principle that shapes our ethical considerations, promotes social justice, and calls us to build a compassionate and inclusive society. Let us carry this understanding into our interactions, recognizing and respecting the intrinsic value that resides within each and every person.