Don’t Fart, Do Art!
Don’t Wait, Create: Unleash Your Creative Potential!
I wanted this to be the title of my first book! But later, I decided on a more professional name — Think.Build.Create.
Here is a link to it: Think.Build.Create: Unraveling the creative process : Divya Ramachandran: Books
But today, I write for the original title! Here goes!
We’ve all been there — sitting around, waiting for that perfect moment of inspiration to strike, thinking that only then can we create something amazing. But life doesn’t work that way. Waiting for the right moment to be creative can leave you feeling stuck and unfulfilled. It’s time to stop waiting and start creating!
Creativity is like any other muscle — the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Sitting idle, waiting for the magical wave of inspiration to hit, is like sitting on the couch waiting for abs to appear. Spoiler alert: it won’t happen. You need to get up, get moving, and start flexing those creative muscles.
Imagine this: you’ve got a blank canvas, a silent keyboard, or an untouched instrument. They won’t transform into masterpieces by themselves. You need to pick up that brush, type those first words, or strum that first chord. Even if it feels awkward or forced at first, just start. The act of creating will get the juices flowing, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself in the zone.
Procrastination is creativity’s arch-nemesis. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’m just not feeling it today.” But waiting for the perfect moment is like waiting for a sign from the universe — it rarely shows up on time, and sometimes, it doesn’t show up at all. Instead of waiting, create your own moments. Start with whatever you have, wherever you are. The magic often happens once you’ve taken that first step.
Let’s be real — not everything you create will be a masterpiece, and that’s okay. The important thing is that you’re creating. Each piece, no matter how small or imperfect, is a step towards improvement. You can always refine and improve later, but you need something to work with first. Perfection is overrated; progress is what matters.
Think about those times when you held back, waiting for everything to be just right. How much did you actually achieve? Now, imagine if you had just started — how much further along would you be? Creativity thrives on action, not perfection. The more you create, the more you’ll learn and grow.
One of the biggest barriers to creativity is the fear of failure. It’s natural to worry that your work won’t be good enough, that others will judge it, or that you’ll fall short of your own expectations. But failure is an essential part of the creative process. Every mistake is a lesson, every misstep an opportunity to improve. Embrace failure as a friend rather than an enemy, and you’ll find that your creativity flourishes.
Another key to unlocking your creativity is to surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, watch films, visit galleries, listen to music — expose yourself to a variety of art forms and ideas. Inspiration often strikes when you least expect it, and being immersed in creative environments can spark new ideas and perspectives.
Collaboration can also be a powerful catalyst for creativity. Working with others, whether they’re in the same field or completely different ones, can bring fresh insights and push you out of your comfort zone. Share your ideas, ask for feedback, and be open to new approaches. Creativity thrives in a collaborative environment, where ideas can bounce off one another and evolve into something greater.
Moreover, set aside dedicated time for your creative pursuits. Just like any other important activity, creativity needs to be scheduled and prioritized. Whether it’s an hour a day or a few hours a week, make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Consistency is key to building momentum and making creativity a habit.
And remember, creativity isn’t just about making art. It’s a way of thinking and approaching the world. It’s about problem-solving, innovation, and seeing things from different perspectives. By nurturing your creative side, you enrich all aspects of your life.
So, next time you feel the urge to wait, remind yourself: don’t wait, create! Release that pent-up creativity and let it flow freely. You’ll feel lighter, happier, and more accomplished. And who knows? You might just create something truly amazing.
Wake up, shake off the laziness, and dive into the world of creation. Whether it’s writing, painting, singing, or any other form of art, start now. Don’t wait for inspiration to knock on your door — go out and find it. Remember, the only bad art is the art that isn’t created. So, stop waiting, start creating, and watch your creativity soar!